
Financial contributions to the New Church UK will be accepted with gratitude and used to support the church's mission.

We do not suggest donations of any amount or percentage, but leave members and friends in freedom to give according to their hearts and abilities.

Thank you for all you to do improve the vitality of the church!

Ways to give:

Click on the options below to find out details on how to give.

To pay your donation online the bank details are:
Account Name: The General Church of the New Jerusalem Council Ltd.
Sort Code: 20-41-12
Account No: 00407216
IBAN: GB14 BUKB 2041 1200 4072 16
As a reference please quote the organisation or purpose you wish the donation to be used for, for example: -
  • General Church
  • Colchester New Church
  • Michael Church
  • British Academy
If you wish to donate on a regular basis please set up a standing order to the above account.

Please make your cheques payable to ‘The General Church of the New Jerusalem Council Ltd.’ and let us know the organisation or purpose you wish the donation to be used for, for example: -

  • General Church
  • Colchester New Church
  • Michael Church
  • British Academy

These can then be sent to:

New Church UK
C/o Conifer House, 27 Palmer Grove
Semington, Trowbridge
Wilts. BA14 6LW


Alternative Gifts

Many types of alternative gifts are welcome, but each such alternative gift must be authorised by our treasurer before proceeding with your donation. Examples would be shares of stock, real estate, life insurance proceeds, making the church a beneficiary of will, etc. Contact us for details.

Gift Aid

Gift Aid enables the church to reclaim tax of 25p for every £1 given.  If you have not already signed a Gift Aid Declaration form, and if you are UK taxpayer and wish us to recover tax on your contribution, please use our Gift Aid Declaration Online Form