
The following is a list of useful resources, websites and links that you might find useful when discovering more about the New Church and Emanuel Swedenborg.

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External Resources and Websites

New Church

The General Church of the New Jerusalem

A comprehensive website with detailed information about our beliefs and the structure and location of church groups worldwide. It also includes interesting articles and many resources.

New Church Groups

New Church Groups

'New Church Groups' is a programme devoted to bringing spiritually like-minded people together into a community, focused on love, understanding and useful action.

Bryn Athyn Church

Bryn Athyn Church Website

The Bryn Athyn Cathedral (USA) website containing lots of useful information and links. Live streamed services from the cathedral are available every Sunday.

New Church Live

New Church Live Website

'New Church Live' presents a series of talks and services, with New Church insights on relevant topics. It's geared towards those new to the church.

New Christian Bible Study

New Christian Bible Study

An online place for people who are interested in the Bible, not just in its literal sense, but in its inner, spiritual sense. The theological underpinnings of the site are based on Emanuel Swedenborg’s religious works or ‘Writings’. Here you can search both the Bible and Swedenborg.

Off the Left Eye

Off the Left Eye

'Off The Left Eye' is a Swedenborg Foundation project. It digs into Emanuel Swedenborg’s Writings to learn more about the spiritual backdrop of this life we’re living. Then it works hard to craft a narrative to share what we learn, using visual animation tools, illustrations and diagrams to deliver the concepts, in an entertaining, enlightening and uplifting way.

New Church Vineyard

New Church Vineyard

New Church educational resources for families, churches, schools and Sunday Schools.

The Swedenborg Society

The Swedenborg Society

The Swedenborg Society translates and publishes books written by and about Emanuel Swedenborg. Find more about who Swedenborg was on this site. 20-21 Bloomsbury Way, London, WC1A 2TH.

Purley Chase Centre

Purley Chase Centre

Purley Chase Centre is a retreat and conference centre. Its primary aim is to foster a spiritual foundation for people in their lives. The Centre’s spirituality is universal in its outlook and welcomes people of all backgrounds and beliefs. Purley Chase Centre, Purley Chase Lane, Mancetter, Atherstone, Warwickshire, CV9 2RQ.

CCLI Reporting

CCLI Reporting

CCLI Reporting Tool - Used to report usage of music for live streamed services as part of our licensed usage agreement