These teachings are immediately practical and deeply spiritual, providing a new understanding of God's timeless story. A religion founding on these teachings is a religion to be lived, not just believed.
Here is a summary of key beliefs
Core Beliefs
He was born on earth in the form of Jesus Christ. Father, Son and Holy Spirit are three aspects of the One God.
Revealed by the Lord through the ‘Writings’ of Emanuel Swedenborg. These teachings can help people to live useful lives loving their neighbour and so find happiness both now and to eternity.
While people have the freedom to choose a life in hell, God’s greatest wish is that we choose a heavenly life and grow into angels.
There are many paths to heaven.
We judge ourselves by what we love and how we live. Salvation is given to all people who love God and try to live a good life according to what they believe to be right.
He guides each person’s spiritual path, allowing the potential for good to come from even the worst calamities. He is with us in every moment of every moment.
If we love God and our neighbour we will become angels and our home will be in heaven.
Those who share married love which is rooted in deep friendship and mutually looking towards God, continue being partners after death, growing ever closer in their union.