About Us

Michael Church is a congregation of “The New Church” named from “the New Jerusalem” that descends “from God out of heaven” at the end of the Apocalypse. There are a number of organisations affiliated with the New Church. Ours is officially called “The General Church of the New Jerusalem.”

The New Church is a Christian Church based on the theological writings of Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772). The tab “Get Answers” provides a general introduction to our beliefs.

This unique church near Myatts Field Park in south London, was purpose built as a school with a hall suitable for use as a place of worship in 1892.  See how to find us and meet our Pastor, Grant Odhner and his wife Sarah.

Grant & Sarah Odhner

Meet our Pastor

Find out about Grant and Sarah Odhner

Worship Services

Find out about our Worship Services

How to find us

Here is our address:
Michael Church,
131 Burton Road,
London SW9 6TG

Parking Restrictions
Mon-Fri 8:30am to 6:30pm - Permit Holders or pay by phone

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