This is where the pastors will share some regular reflections on religion and what's going on in the world.
The Value of Chaos
Erik discusses how the Lord teaches us how to deal with Chaos
When We Have The Power
Grant discusses Loving others is doing them good from our hearts 'when we have the power.'
Christmas Readings 2024
This year’s readings are gathered around the theme of humility. Humility is the quality of spiritual life that most allows the Lord to do what…
People Who Walked In Darkness Have Seen A Great Light
Erik discusses Christmas as we celebrate the light that the Lord’s Coming brings, and in fact we celebrate its coming at the darkest time of…
Unless a Grain of Wheat Falls
Unless a Grain of Wheat Falls - Erik discusses how the Lord spoke about his approaching crucifixion and resurrection as we remember and honour those…
True Kinship
True Kinship - Grant discussed our natural and spiritual relationships
Coming Back to First Things
Erik discusses The Harvest Celebration and how this can help train ourselves to turn to the Lord more often.
The Legs of a Man
The Legs of a Man
The Word was God
The Word was God - The Word was God - Erik discusses how the Word is the truth and how the New Church teaching say…
Out of the mouth of Babes
Out of the mouth of Babes - Seeing the good in others and ourselves
Making Appropriate Judgments
Making Appropriate Judgments - How to make judgments, how do we avoid unfairly judging others while standing for what we believe?
Failing Our Lord
Failing Our Lord - Grant explores how we feel failure in our spiritual life and how Peters bitter sorrow in his failing the Lord was…
The Value of Pretending
The Value of Pretending - Erik discusses a chapter in the book Married Love called Reasons in Marriage for Apparent Love, Friendship and Favour
Innocence at Christmas
Innocence at Christmas - Innocence is the fundamental spiritual quality that we need to develop, so embracing the spirit of Christmas, not just in December.
Christmas Readings 2023
Laying Down Our Life
We set aside time in November to remember people who have died for our country (a tradition shared by many countries). It is an awesome…
Paying Attention to Ordinary Miracles
It is amazing how much seemingly trivial things can upset us Another way of thinking about this is to ask ourselves what we would see…
Re-tooling vs Scrapping
We’ve got to get rid of our evils, right? “Out with the old man and in with the new.” The old self is unredeemable. “You…
The Most Important New Church Belief
If someone asked you what the most important belief was in the New Church, what would you say? Erik discusses this and the importance of…
A Hopeful Outlook
It is easy to feel discouraged about the state of the human race. All we need to do is listen to the news! Disturbing things…
A Call For Compassionate Care
A Call for Compassionate Care - The Lord has compassion and mercy on all of us. What if we as a church could express that…
Strengthen your brethren
‘Strengthen our brethren’ is to nurture and support their love of God - providing ‘space’ and safety in our presence to express their beliefs, to…
New life
New Life - The Lord said, “Behold I make all things new.” (Revelation 21:5) We often speak of these words in the context of the…
Listening To Others
Listening to Others - Are you a good listener? Do you listen to others - more deeply than to their words?
And His name shall be called
For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will…
Love of country during confusing times
Love of Country. Every year we pause to remember those who gave the greatest sacrifice a person can give. But what if you don’t like…
Rejoicing in the harvest
It’s easy to give thanks when our hearts feel full and grateful - when our will is engaged. Often though, we don’t feel gratitude without…
What we notice
What we Notice - Since we are what we pay attention to, it can be useful to reflect on what we notice. Erik discusses how…
True Power
Many people imagine that power is a matter of being able to command one’s outer world as one wishes. It’s a matter of being able…
What makes the New Church new?
What makes the New Church new is not merely the teaching that Jesus Christ is the one God, it is the explanation of how it…
Being a part
A human being is not born for the sake of self but for the sake of others. That is, they are born not to live…
Dark into Light
At Christmas we celebrate the Lord’s birth as the coming of the light. Part of celebrating Easter involves honouring the Lord for engaging in temptation…
War in Ukraine
Part of the message of Easter is that the Lord is more powerful than the seeming darkness. There was no darker time in history than…
When Confronted by Evil (The War in Ukraine)
What do we do when we are suddenly faced with evil in our lives or in the world? How do we see the Lord's role…
Exercising our measure
A runner gains capacity by actually running - actually exercising his or her lungs and legs. The good that flows in with us is only…
What do you want for Christmas?
Christmas is a time of gifts - even in strictly spiritual terms. It offers many opportunities to be touched by the Lord, both through His…